In The News
Hotel Development Set for Aurora
Microtel Inn & Suites by Wyndham Enters the GTA in Aurora, Ontario � FOR ...READ MORE
Aurora�s electric road show shows life in green lane
It’s not about just going along for the ride. The Town of Aurora’s ...READ MORE

GuiDinG PRINCIPLES & Fact sheetS

Guiding Principles

Guiding Principles are the architectural framework to enact the vision. The following Guiding Principles were developed from information provided through the consultation process and reflect the shared values of Aurora. They articulate the ethical standards by which an organization makes decisions and conducts activities. The Strategic Plan is framed by the following seven Guiding Principles:

  1. Commitment to the Strategic Plan as a long term planning document
  2. Leadership in corporate management
  3. Broad community outreach and engagement with partners, businesses, newcomers and community groups to ensure inclusiveness
  4. Recognition and encouragement of community contributions and volunteerism
  5. Leverage partnerships
  6. Dignity and integrity
  7. Progressive corporate excellence and continuous improvement


Fact Sheets

Three fact sheets were developed which summarized feedback received during Strategic Plan public consultations.

Click here to download the Community fact sheet.

Click here to download the Economy fact sheet.

Click here to download the Natural Environment fact sheet.